
I write stuff.

I take pictures, too.

Comments and criticisms are always welcome. My hope for this blog is that it will help me become a better writer, having audience feedback is important for that, I think.

Thank you for visiting.

93 thoughts on “About


    What a great word! New to me. (You’re a neologiser; twisting neologiser.)

    I hope this doesn’t mean you’re stuck in the past?

    I want to forget past and future. Kill both in Now.

    Oh well. . . Whatever makes us feel best, I suppose.

    You might like this one too:

    “Blessed is he [and/or she] who gives without remembering and he [and/or she] who receives without forgetting.”

    Stay beautiful.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Wow! It’s so impressive how prolific you are! A poem everyday! That’s amazing! I’m just trying to do a poem a week and that’s hard enough! What are your secrets to being able to finish a poem everyday? Magic? πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I cheat a little, I have a small stockpile I’ve been sitting on. I do write a few new ones each week though. It’s definitely difficult to do when I’m not feeling inspired.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for visiting my blog, and now that I’ve found my way over to yours and clicked your follow button, I guess I’ll have to be popping back in this way to see what else you have in store. In the meantime keep up the writing, and I’ll read you later.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ode to Horace Mann
    Be ashamed to die until you have won
    Some victory for humanity. Horace Mann

    Be aware that energy is life, save some for your kids.
    Be afraid that our minds are bent by news not books.
    Be awed by the healing power of the simple purple cone flower.
    Be amazed that after four short years she knows so much.
    Be awake before the bombs drop, before the money rules.
    Be agile: live in a town that walks and bikes to work and play.
    Be amused by ants and birds, goats and potato fields, lilacs and sycamores.
    Be angry only long enough to solve the problem, then move on.
    Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hello, bird with a pen. Thank you so much for liking my poem/lyrics, Diva of the Dive. I enjoyed writing it so I hope you enjoyed reading and sharing it. There are another 200 or so on that blog, WordMusic. Enjoy. Tell your friends. ha ha

    Brent Kincaid

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Here I go…! That’s quite interesting to read about you. And I’m extremely glad to find out your well weaved words inscribed with meaningful thoughts. Looking forward to explore more about you- your thoughts. Keep blogging. *smiles*

    – Rahul

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I, too, am hoping to use my blog to improve my writing. My goals include blogging every day, composing a memoir, and writing a Christian-based book on addiction. I look forward to hearing more from you. I am now a follower.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I do have a lot to write about. After witnessing numerous disasters and experiencing some of my own through thirty-seven years of active addiction, I feel compelled to help others deal with this prolific problem through the written word. I am especially excited about writing a Christian-based book on addiction.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That sounds really incredible. It’s great that you’ve found a way to overcome those adversities and share your experiences. Writing can be such a powerful tool. I look forward to seeing more of yours.


  9. Nice blog. I post things that other people send me, but it seems I get the most positive feed back from the things I write and post :>) By the way I have had quite a few things published in newspapers and I’ve written a couple of books too.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Hey, thanks for dropping by and appreciating some of my words.
    (I noticed that when I click on your link in my wordpress notifications, it tries to go to a website with the middle “r” missing from your site name. I only managed to find you here through your gravatar website link.)

    Liked by 1 person

  11. It’s rare that people stop to read what I write (at least insofar as WordPress metrics are concerned) and rarer still that someone writes about wanting commentary/criticism on their About page. WordPress tells me that you’re the lone person to have a look at what I wrote and, specifically, the entry ‘On Writing Better Poetry’. It makes me think that what you wrote about wanting commentary/criticism is true. I hope that such is the case.

    I’m curious about how you stumbled across my blog. Very few do and, of those who do, very few seem inclined to answer the question. Apparently asking it is something akin to stabbing them in the soul or so their reactions would lead me to believe. Hopefully that won’t be the case here and, if you don’t mind, what brought you to my blog?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m not sure how I came across your blog, I have a few different tags that I follow so you must have tagged your piece as one of those. When I saw the title of your piece I was curious about what you had to say about becoming a better writer. I enjoy reading about how I can improve, especially when it’s from someone who seems to have some experience. Thank you for coming to visit my blog, I really appreciate comments like yours. Good luck with your writing!


      1. And the same to you. I’d like to hear about what you’ve like to achieve through your work, however I don’t want to make a mess of the comments section here. If you’d like to discuss it send me an e-mail: that[dot]bitter[dot]voice[at]gmail. It’s rare that I encounter people who genuinely want to grow in their art.

        Liked by 1 person

  12. Hi there!

    Thank you for liking my recent post. I got it from Delirium by Lauren Oliver. If you have time, you might wanna read it. πŸ™‚
    Again, thank you and more power to you!! πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

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